Introducing People to One Another "Visiting Cards"

Whole class: speaking

To introduce people to one another, giving personal information.

Present simple to be

Jobs, nationalities


Worksheet | Teacher's notes

Make one copy of the worksheet for each group of up to nine students and cut it up into cards as indicated. There are five cards with male names (Mr) and five with female names (Ms) for you to choose from. If there are more students in your class than there are cards of one sex, change the first names and title on the appropriate number of cards before you give them to the students. Keep one card for yourself to demonstrate the activity.

10 to 15 minutes


If there are more than nine students in the class, divide them into groups. (Within those groups, the students will be working mainly in threes.) Give one card to each student in the class.

Tell the students that they are now the person on their visiting card and that they are going to practise introducing people to one another. Tell them that the title is there to indicate whether the person is male (Mr) or female (Ms) but they don't have to say the title when they inroduce the person.

Write an example dialogue on the board:
This is my friend Ana Gomez. She's from Spain. She's a film director.

Demonstrate the activity with two students. Write on the board:
Student A introduces Student B.
Student B introduces Student C.
Student C introduces Student A.

For the demonstration, you are Student A and your two partners are Student B and Student B and Student C. Ask them to hold their visiting cards up, facing out. Read the information on Student B's visiting card and introduce him/her to Student C. Students B and C should then shake hands and say Hello. When you have done that, ask Student B to introduce Student C to you. Shake hands with Student C and say Hello. Next, ask Student C to introduce you to Student B. Shake hands with Student B and say Hello.

Now ask the students to work with two other students from their group and to decide who is A, B, and C. If the class does not divide exactly into groups of three, make up the numbers with groups of four.

Ask the students to hold their visiting cards up and take it in turns to introduce one another.

When they have finished, ask them to form new groups of three with two different students and repeat the activity. Make sure they all have different identities.

Repeat procedure point 7.

You can do this activity with the students sitting down in a circle. Moving round the circle in a clockwise direction, each student introduces the student on their right to the student on their left.

Students introduce themselves to everybody in the class, using the information on their own visiting cards:
I'm Ana Gomez. I'm from Spain and I'm a film director. [source: Reward Elementary Resource Pack]

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