
names of hobbies and leisure activities

camping, cards, chess, climbing, collecting stamps, computer games, cycling, dancing, fishing, gardening, gliding, knitting, music, painting, photography, pottery, reading, riding, sailing, sewing, walking, windsurfing, yoga

free time, hobbies, present (students do not need to know the names of the pieces of equipment, though they might be interested to know some of them: potter's wheel, brush and easel, cards, chess pieces, camera, spade, leotard, fishing rod, guitar and sheet of music, ballet shoes, book, plane, tent, saddle, bike, stamps, sewing machine, knitting needles, wool, walking boots, rope, ice axe, sails, surfboard, computer)

be, have got, like + ing, would like, want to, present simple (especially third person and Who questions)


Hobby cards | Equipment cards | Teacher's notes

Game 1 Copy and cut up one set of hobby cards (words) and one set of equipment cards (pictures) per pair of students.

Game 2 No materials.

Game 3 Copy and cut up enough hobby cards for your students to have three each. Copy and cut up a matching equipment card for every hobby card.

Note: If you don’t feel your students need to learn all the words, simply select the cards you feel most appropriate for their level/culture. For Game 3, you can limit vocabulary by giving students fewer hobby cards (one or two instead of three).


Game 1 Memorizing - pairwork matching games

  1. Divide the students into pairs.
  2. Give each pair a set of hobby cards and a set of equipment cards.
  3. They should spread the word cards (hobby cards) out on the table, face up, and place the pictures (equipment cards) face down in the middle.
  4. They should take it in turns to take a picture from the pile.
  5. The object of the game is to match the equipment to the hobby.
  6. The first player to find the right hobby card, saying the name of the hobby, may keep the pair of cards.
  7. At the end the player with most cards is the winner.

Game 2 Personalising - small group discussion
  1. Put up the following sentence frames:

    I like ... .
    I don't like ... .
    I would like to try ... .
    I never want to try ... .

  2. Ask students to complete the four sentences.
  3. Then put students in small groups and ask them to guess each others' sentences.

Game 3 Communicating - whole class exchanging and collecting game - Flea market
  1. Give each student in the class three hobby cards. Tell them these are their favourite hobies.
  2. Then give each student three equipment cards. These should not match the hobby cards in their hand. Tell them this is some old equipment from a hobby they used to do.
  3. The object of the game is for each student to find the appropriate pieces of equipment for his hobbies.
  4. To do this, they should get up and move around the class, telling other people's hobbies, e.g. 'What are your hobbies?/What do you like doing in your free time?' 'I like ... / I'm interested in ...'.
  5. When they need someone who needs one of their pieces of equipment, they can give it to him, e.g. 'Oh really?/That's nice! I've got something here for you/Would you like this?/Would this be useful?' etc.
  6. When they have given away their useless equipment and got the equipment they need, they can sit down. [source: Elementary Vocabulary Games by Jill Hadfield]

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