black, blue, brown, green, mauve, orange, pink, purple, red, white, yellow
bathroom, bedroom, clothes, dining room, favourite, hall, kitchen, living room, paint, room, tin (of paint)
be, have got, like, want to
Paint tin cards | Teacher's notes
Game 1 Either colour in one set of the 24 paint tin cards yourself, following the colours listed in Vocabulary focus (each colour should appear twice) and use a colour copier to make ten or more sets. You will need one set per group of 3-4 students in your class. Or you can get the students to colour in the paint tins, according to your instructions.
Game 2 No materials.
Game 3 Mentally divide the number of students in your class by four. Make that number of copies of the paint tins sheet and cut them up.
Note: If you don’t want your students to practise all the words, simply select the ones you feel they need.
Game 1 Memorizing - small group 'Snap' game
Game 2 Personalising - pairwork discussion
My favourite colours are ... .
I don't like ... .
A lot of my clothes are ... .
My room at home is ... .
- Ask the students to imagine they are redecorating their houses and give them the following sentence frames to complete:
I want to paint my dining room ... .
I want to paint my kitchen... .
I want to paint my bathroom... .
I want to paint my bedroom... .
I want to paint my living room... .
I want to paint my hall... . - They should complete the sentences with the names of six different colours.
- Then, divide the class in half. Get one half to remain seated at their desks and distribute the paint cards evenly among them. They are the paint shops.
- The other half shold stand up. They are the customers and should go to the shops to look for the paint they need.
- The object of the game is for each customer to obtain the six tins of paint she needs to paint her house.
- To do this, students will have to go from shop to shop asking for the paint they need, until they have all six tins. (There may be a run on certain colours, so some customers may remain unsatisfied!)
- When the game is over, the students can swap roles so that the customers become the shopkeepers and vice versa. [source: Elementary Vocabulary Games by Jill Hadfield]
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