

black, blue, brown, green, mauve, orange, pink, purple, red, white, yellow

bathroom, bedroom, clothes, dining room, favourite, hall, kitchen, living room, paint, room, tin (of paint)

be, have got, like, want to


Paint tin cards | Teacher's notes

Game 1 Either colour in one set of the 24 paint tin cards yourself, following the colours listed in Vocabulary focus (each colour should appear twice) and use a colour copier to make ten or more sets. You will need one set per group of 3-4 students in your class. Or you can get the students to colour in the paint tins, according to your instructions.

Game 2 No materials.

Game 3 Mentally divide the number of students in your class by four. Make that number of copies of the paint tins sheet and cut them up.

Note: If you don’t want your students to practise all the words, simply select the ones you feel they need.


Game 1 Memorizing - small group 'Snap' game

  1. Divide the students into groups of three or four.
  2. Give each group a set of 24 paint cards.
  3. They should deal out all the cards. Each player should keep his cards in a pile face down in front of him.
  4. The game is played like 'Snap': each player in turn takes the top card from his pile and places it face up in the middle. When two cards the same follow one another, the first player to shout the name of the colour can collect up the pile of cards and add them to their own pile.
  5. The object of the game is to collect all the card.
  6. The game is finished when one player has all the cards.

Game 2 Personalising - pairwork discussion
  1. Give the students the following sentence frames to complete:

    My favourite colours are ... .
    I don't like ... .
    A lot of my clothes are ... .
    My room at home is ... .

  2. When they have finished, put them in pairs to share information.

Game 3 Communicating - whole class search game - Interior design
  1. Ask the students to imagine they are redecorating their houses and give them the following sentence frames to complete:

    I want to paint my dining room ... .
    I want to paint my kitchen... .
    I want to paint my bathroom... .
    I want to paint my bedroom... .
    I want to paint my living room... .
    I want to paint my hall... .

  2. They should complete the sentences with the names of six different colours.
  3. Then, divide the class in half. Get one half to remain seated at their desks and distribute the paint cards evenly among them. They are the paint shops.
  4. The other half shold stand up. They are the customers and should go to the shops to look for the paint they need.
  5. The object of the game is for each customer to obtain the six tins of paint she needs to paint her house.
  6. To do this, students will have to go from shop to shop asking for the paint they need, until they have all six tins. (There may be a run on certain colours, so some customers may remain unsatisfied!)
  7. When the game is over, the students can swap roles so that the customers become the shopkeepers and vice versa. [source: Elementary Vocabulary Games by Jill Hadfield]

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