Parts of the Body

lesson plan parts of the bodyTOPIC AREA
parts of the body

arm, back, chest, elbow, finger, foot, hand, head, leg, neck, shoulder, stomach, toe

big, long, round, short, small, square, lift, rub, touch, waggle

have got, imperatives


Body outline | Body pictures | Body pictures (words) | Robot cards | Teacher's notes

Game 1 Copy and cut up the body picture cards and body outline. You will need one body outline and one set of body picture cards for each pair. Don't forget to copy the reverse side too.

Game 2 No materials.

Game 3 Mentally divide your class into small groups of three or four. Copy and cut up two sets of robot cards for each group.

Note: If you don't want your students to practise all the words, simply select the cards you feel are appropriate.


Game 1 Memorizing - pairwork arranging game

Divide the students into pairs.

Give each pair one set of body picture cards and a body outline.

Ask them to spread the cards out on the desk with the word side uppermost.

They should take it in turns to take a word card and place it in the appropriate place on the body outline.

The object of the game is to build up a body with all the parts in the right places.

At the end, they can check if they were right by turning the cards over to see the pictures: they should make a body outline with all the bits in the right places.

Game 2 Personalising - small group mime game

Teach the words rub, waggle, lift, touch by demonstration and give a few commands for the students to follow, e.g. 'Touch your eye', 'Lift your hands', 'Rub your nose', Waggle your ears' etc. Then do this as build-up sequence with the students:

A: Touch your eye
B: Touch your eye and lift your hand.
C: Touch your eye, lift your hand and rub your stomach.

Finally, give a long command, e.g. 'Touch your eye, rub your stomach, waggle your head and lift your right foot' and see if the students can follow the instruction.

Put the students in pairs and ask them to make up a long command like the ones above (it should be do-able!). Put a sentence frame on the board for them if they need help.

Join each pair up with another pair to see if they can carry out each others' commands.

Game 3 Communicating - small group matching game (The robot game)

Divide the students into groups of three or four.

Pre-teach big, long, round, short, small, square if they do not know the words.

Give each group two sets of the robot cards.

Ask them to shuffle the packs together and deal out the cards: four per player. The rest should be placed face down in the middle of the table.

The object of the game is to find as many matching pairs as possible.

To do this, they should first look at their cards and discard any matching pairs. Then Player 1 should begin by asking any other player if they have a card that matches one of the robots in his hand. He should not show the card, but describe it, e.g. 'Have you got a robot with a big round head, a square body, short arms and long legs?'

If the other player has the card, he must give it to Player 1, who can match it up and discard the pair. If he does not have the card, Player 1 must take the top card from the pile and add it to his hand. Then it is the next player's turn and so on.

At the end the winner is the player with most matching pairs.
[source: Elementary Vocabulary Games by Jill Hadfield]

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