Talking about Experience/Present Perfect "Have you ever ...?"

Groupwork; writing, speaking

To play a game by playing and answering questions about experiences.

Present perfect to talk about experiences
Past simple to talk about a definite time in the past

Past participles of regular and irregular verbs


Worksheet | Teacher's notes
Make one copy of the game board for every six students in the class. Provide dice and counters for each group.

1 hour


  1. Ask the students to work in groups of six and to divide their groups into two teams, Team A and Team B. Tell them that they are going to play a game but that before they do, you are going to give each team a list of verbs and they are going to prepare some questions using these verbs.

  2. Write an example question on the board using Have you ever.

    For example:
    lose: Have you ever lost your keys?

  3. Ask students the example question and if a student answers Yes, I have, ask for additional information.

    For example:
    When did you lose them?
    Were they car keys of house keys?
    Did you find them again?

  4. Repeat procedure points 3 and 4 using one of Team B's verbs.

  5. Give the following list of verbs to each Team A:

    lose go drink live visit play drive meet listen to write go ride eat buy see read make watch find have

    Give the following list of verbs to each Team B:

    see cook eat find read go buy win give fall break visit drink watch hear travel feel send write lose

  6. Now tell the students that they are going to write a question beginning Have you ever and an additional question in the simple past for each of the verbs on their list. Tell them to choose one member of the team to write down the questions

    Alternatively, if you want to speed up this part of the activity, the three students in each team could divide the verbs out between them and write the sentences individually.

    While the students are doing this, be on hand to answer questions and offer help.

  7. When they have done that, give one copy of the worksheet to each group of students and explain how to play the game using the instructions below. (note: the instructions are attached to Teacher's notes.)

  8. The students are now ready to play the game. While they are playing, go round to each group and check they are playing correctly.

    [source: Reward Elementary Resource Pack]

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