Describing Appearance "Photofit"

Groupwork and pairwork: speaking, reading, writing

To play a memory game, matching a written description of a person to a picture. To write an imaginary identity for a person.

Describing appearance

Describing appearance


Worksheet 17a | Worksheet 17b | Teacher's notes 1 | Teacher's notes 2

Make one copy of Worksheet 17a and 17b for every four to six students in the class. Cut out the sentences, pictures and identity cards as indicated.

45 minutes


  1. Ask the students to work in groups of four to six.
  2. Give one set of pictures and sentences to each group. Do not give out the identity cards yet.
  3. Ask the students to spread out the pictures face down and to spread out the sentences face down separately from the pictures.
  4. The students take it in turns to turn over one picture and one description. They should read the description and decide whether it matches the picture. If it does, the student keeps the pair and plays again. If it doesn't, the student puts them back face down and the student on their left plays in the same way.
  5. Continue until all the pictures and sentences have been matched: the player with the highest number of matching pairs is the winner. Check the answers. (See the back of Worksheet 17b )
  6. For the next part of the activity the students stay in their original groups. They put all the pictures of people spread out in front of them, face up.
  7. Divide each group in half into mini-groups of two or three students.
  8. Give one identity card to each mini-group and ask them to write imaginary information on it about one of the people in the pictures without lettlog anyone else know which picture they have chosen. They should invent information which they think corresponds to the person's appearance.
  9. Ask the students to exchange identity cards with another mini-group and to guess which picture it goes with.
  10. When they have matched people correctly, they should exchange identity cards with another mini-group and guess which pictures they correspond to. [source: Reward Pre Intermediate Resource Pack by Susan Kay]

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